A little this. A little that.

Photo by Jean Carlo Emer
Photo by Jean Carlo Emer

Before I attended culinary school, I used to buy every gadget on the market. While in school, my firends and family bought me everything they thought I needed. After graduation I realized that all I needed was a couple of good knives, rubber spatula, a set of metal bowls, a good saute pan, two pots, measuring spoons and a large measuring cup, a good digital thermometer, and a grill. With this I can make almost anything.

We own a herd-share in a dairy farm and get fresh raw milk weekly from which I skim off the cream for fresh butter. We visit the local organic farm for produce once a week and order our meat from the butcher. It’s easy to eat well. We spend less money now than when we bought junk from the grocery store and ate out all the time and the two small errands a week for milk, eggs, and produce take two quick hours.

You can do this too. It is really simple and we are getting the actual nutrition from our food.

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