Dump the Junk Series!

Stop living off junk food

With our crazy busy lifestyles, often we rely on frozen, pre-processed, and canned foods.  While convenient, they are full of chemicals, salt, preservatives, hidden sugars, and carbs.  Over time, this is an unbelievably bad way to eat resulting in weight gain, disruption in sleep patterns, and the development of health problems such as diabetes, arthritis, skin irritations, and more. Obesity leads to life-long health problems. Good news is that you can start today to make simple changes in your relationship with food that will benefit you and your family for years to come.

Here at the Chefs Best Company, we promote a healthy relationship with all thing’s food.  We call this “The Food Lifestyle Revolution.”  Starting with menu ideas, buying the right ingredients, and preparing your food using fresh ingredients when possible.  We strive to make the recipes and menu ideas easy, fast, and always healthy.  Short on time?  Just make more food and freeze it for later. 

By reducing and in most cases eliminating high-fructose corn syrup, sugars, salt, and hidden carbs, my husband and I have lost eighty pounds combined in just six months.  With no other changes in our lives!  You too can do this.  It will take a little work in the beginning, but it is worth it.  Our blood sugars are down, my husband reversed his pre-diabetes, my arthritis has diminished, our clothes fit better, we sleep better, and the list goes on. 

So, follow me on this journey to “Dump the Junk” forever! We will have recipes, how-to videos, articles and more to help you live a better you.

Alternative Sweeteners

Read our article on Sugar Substitutes