Sugar Substitutes

Alternative sweeteners and sugar substitutes have come a long way since your mother’s diet Tab. Thanks to the KETO movement, we now have a selection of natural alternatives that can be used just like sugar in baking, drinks, sauces, and more. All-natural, plant-based, low, and no glycemic sweeteners have emerged that are delicious with no funny aftertaste. They are easy to find at your grocery store or online. Some are better tasting than others. You will need to find your own favorite.

My personal favorite is Monk Fruit

Lakanto Golden Monkfruit with Erythritol

I use Lakanto Golden Monkfruit with Erythritol. It is an all around great tasting substitute with zero net carbs, zero glycemic, zero calorie, and KETO friendly. It takes a few minutes to dissolve in cold foods such as yogurt, I suggest you allow your food to rest for a few minutes, stir again, taste then add more if you like.

Lakanto Golden Monkfruit does not dissolve the same as granulated sugar. To overcome this, I use my spice grinder to produce a finer grain and it works great.

Lakanto has a plain Classic White Monkfruit Sweetener and a powdered version but to me it has a chemically taste. Rather I suggest Organic Monkfruit Sweetener with Erythritol. Use it as is or grind it for powdered sugar applications.


Lily’s Baking

Stevia is another alternative and works great melting into chocolate and other bases. It does however, have some unpleasant, gassy, side effects if too much is consumed. It has a pleasant taste if not a little too sweet. Adjust the amount to your taste. You can find chocolate chips made with stevia. I melt them and make almond bark sprinkled with course sea salt. You can’t tell the difference from candy made with real sugar. Check out the line from Lily’s. They offer a wide variety of chocolate chips, candy, and other sweet treats made with stevia.


Erythritol is the original KETO go-to. The taste is fine but I like it blended with Monkfruit for a more natural flavor.

I keep large quantities of sugar substitutes in my pantry for all kinds of uses. In addition to baking, I use it in BBQ sauces, marinades, yogurt, pancakes, literally anything that calls for added sugar.

Alternative sweeteners are not intended for use when sugar is a base of your recipe such as marshmallows or caramel sauce. But add it to your homemade chocolate sauce, yogurt, cookies, cakes, and other baked items.

If you are trying to reduce or eliminate sugar from your diet, consider the choices above. Play around. Find one that works for you.

This article is a part of the Dump the Junk Series offering insights on having a healthy relationship with all things food and the kitchen. It is not intended as medical advice. Always seek the advice of your health care provider before making changes in your diet.