Getting Ready for Fall Harvest

By Tracy Lauth

Summer is behind us and we are busy working in the garden harvesting fruit and making apple butter.

We lost our peach trees to leaf curl and have decided not to replace them. Too much work and it is near impossible to stay ahead of the leaf curl. The meyer lemons look amazing and the pears, strawberries, and apples will be plentiful. Our mint, basil, thyme and sage is looking wonderful.

The spring weather from heat wave to thunder storms then back to heat managed to destroy the blossoms on our apricot trees. We don’t expect to have any apricots this year. Cherries and plums were affected as well.

What are you growing this year? What will you be making and/or canning? Let me know. I am always excited to hear what others are doing.

I will be making apple sauce, apple butter, canning pears and freezing zest and juice of lemons. I will make strawberry jam and dried herbs for stocks and sauces.